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Boost your Amazon Posts - and build your brand awareness within Amazon

– Written by Jess Chapman

Amazon Posts

For a long time we’ve been urging our clients selling in the US to use Amazon Posts - it’s free, it’s easy to do, and it combines your eCommerce efforts with your social media marketing plan. 

And now it makes even more sense, because there’s a new function: brands can now boost Posts, converting best-performing posts into Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Brand Video ads - meaning more visibility for their products in a customer-engaging, lifestyle-contextual format. 

What is Amazon Posts? 

Amazon Posts is a free-to-use tool for brands to promote their products within Amazon, on a social media feed viewed by shoppers. 

Available only in the US for now, Amazon Posts is a valuable tool for building an on-site following for your brand. Think of it as shoppable Instagram, but integral within the Amazon experience - brands can promote up to five ASINs within a single post, showing their products in aspirational context and showcasing the personality of their brand, with direct links to detail pages. 

It’s proven to enhance your conversions: Amazon reports a 2.5% higher purchase rate for customers who interact with your Posts on their shopping journey.

How does it fit in with other social media marketing?

MCP Post

Amazon encourages brands to reuse their best Instagram, Facebook and Twitter content on Posts, so it’s a fairly simple tool for marketers to use, slotting in easily with the rest of their social media strategy. 

Last year Amazon introduced video to Posts - which means brands can also repurpose their TikTok and Instagram Reels content, connecting with audiences via popular, eye-catching short-form video.

Posts are placed around Amazon algorithmically - on detail pages, and on search and follow timeline on both mobile shop and mobile web. 

They also appear on Brand Stores Feeds, Related Feeds, Category Feeds and Style Feeds.

That means it’s likely any customers browsing your products will see your Posts, at the moment when they’re shopping for products like yours. 

In fact, thanks to ‘Related Posts’, it’s likely you’ll find your Post is featured with your competitors’ Posts. And without your own Posts, your competitors’ Posts will appear on your product detail pages. So to keep market share, and compete with other similar brands, Posts is a no-brainer. 

So what’s new with Amazon Posts?

Posts has always been free, and remains free. But now brands have the option to pay to boost their Posts, converting them into Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Brand Video ads.

Boosted Posts appear in sponsored brand placements across, including the top of Search and in shopping results. 

By boosting Posts, you can raise your brand awareness further and gain more insights into your sponsored ad campaigns. 

And it’s easy - no further creative work is required, and you can use AI image upscaling to ensure your Posts meet the required image resolutions. 

What are the benefits of boosting Posts? 

It’s simple - you get better engagement with your brand. 

Posts are great for brand awareness on Amazon. They drive traffic to your Brand Store, and the more you post, the more Brand Store traffic and followers you get. Amazon reports that brands with 10 or more live Posts get 2.9 times more Store visits, and 4.1 times more followers. 

Think about it - a chance to build your brand within Amazon, where historically it has been very difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves in shoppers’ eyes, is well worth taking. 

And, if you boost your Posts, the results are even better: Amazon reports a 16.3% increase in CTR for boosted Posts. 

It works particularly well if you boost your most popular posts. Amazon recommends this, and we’ve seen that the most successful formula for brands is to turn your best-performing stuff from other social media sites into Posts, and then boost the best-performing Posts.

Any top tips for using Posts? 

Our first tip - use video. 

Even though it’s a fairly new addition to Posts, Amazon has seen fantastic results for the brands that use it. 

Jeff Cohen, Principal Evangelist at Amazon Ads, reports that video campaigns see an average 19.9% higher New-to-Brand Purchase rate compared to still image campaigns.

Vertical video is also better for Posts. Think of Instagram and TikTok - vertical video is here to stay, and on Posts, it drives an average 8.9% higher Click-Through Rate (CTR) than horizontal video.

Second tip - don’t shy away from captions. Posts with captions of at least 120 characters see 24.5% better engagement - proof that your customers are reading that text, and it matters. 

And our third tip - don’t be afraid to tag several products in one Post.

You can include up to five ASINs. Jeff reports that the best-performing Posts tag at least three, with 3+ products getting 7.3% better engagement than Posts with 1-2 products.

You can see the logic - the more choice you give the shopper viewing the Post, the more likely something will catch their eye. It’s a social media shop window. 

Michael Yanez, our Head of US Business Development, says: “I always ask my client to share any post (pics and caption) on their social media accounts, and then their e-Comas Account Manager will upload the content on their Amazon Posts account. Not only do Posts appear in your Brand Store, they can also show up on the bottom of the search results of a competitor on a mobile device. It’s a very very important strategy that all clients should be doing.”

Posts is still one of Amazon’s hidden gems. By using it, you stand to gain a significant edge over your competitors, and build your brand presence within Amazon.

So if you’re selling on Amazon US, look into setting up Posts today!

Need some help getting started? Just give us a call!