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Demystifying AMC: e-Comas launches new white paper on how to use Amazon Marketing Cloud

– Written by Jess Chapman

AMC white paper

Think data is a dry subject? It’s not, it’s magic.

But to most people – and most sellers on Amazon – the only way you can explain the magic of data is to show how it works in practice.

That’s what our new white paper is all about. Written by e-Comas’s own data wizard Claudiu Clement, AMC Unpacked: Demystifying 18 use cases of Amazon Marketing Cloud shows sellers 18 different ways you can use AMC to improve your marketing game, maximise your ad spend and be more competitive in your category.

‘Smarter spending decisions’

Claudiu says: “As the head of analytics at e-Comas, I get so excited about how AMC can be used by sellers to revolutionise their marketing. By being able to see correlations in different touchpoints of the customer’s journey, and understand why some campaigns thrive while others don’t, sellers can make smarter decisions on how to spend their ad budget.

“But it’s hard to get that across to sellers without physically showing how it can work. That’s what this white paper is for.

“We’ve delved into 18 use cases of AMC – from what touchpoints the customer hits on the path to conversion, to analysing reach and timing of individual campaigns and exploring keyword performance – in order to show just the kind of insights sellers can get from AMC, and how to apply them to their business.”

Breaking down 18 use cases

Broken into 18 chapters, the white paper covers major AMC use cases that sellers can leverage to improve their ad budget efficiency.

For each use case, it explains:

This information is presented clearly and concisely to give sellers an immediate idea of the kind of data they can get from AMC, and how they can use it to make advertising decisions.

The 18 use cases of AMC

The use cases covered in the e-Comas white paper are:

More competitive with data

Claudiu adds: “In today’s eCommerce environment, it’s the sellers who know how to interpret and use their sales data that will see the best results from their ad campaigns. And those sellers will be more competitive against other sellers in their category.

“We get that data analysis can be daunting to a lot of people, but AMC makes it simple and it’s totally worth getting to know the basics so you can make smarter decisions on your advertising.

“We hope sellers find this white paper useful in detangling the perceived complexities around Amazon data and AMC, and find their ad spend goes much further as a result.”

Download the white paper now and discover how AMC can help you maximise your ads budget on Amazon!
If you need more help with AMC, e-Comas is on a mission to become the most data-centric eCommerce agency in the world – give us a call today!
You can also subscribe to Claudiu’s newsletter, Is Not Rocket Science, for regular explainers on how to handle eCommerce data.